ConstructSim Standard Template CONNECT Edition Update 2 Help

Alias Table Setup

Data entry forms are provided for input of Alias data:

  • Material types per pipe specification

  • Bore sizes per socket welded and threaded pipe specification

  • Nominal pipe size groups

  • Pipe wall thickness groups

  • Instrument identification

Default tables are provided and can be changed as required. Enter data manually or copy and paste it from Excel, Access, or other programs. To use the Alias tables, In CSST-Admin, expand VCM Attributes and Alias Tables - Data Entry to see the list of tables. Double-click the table name to open the table.

Spec to Material Lookup

Lists all the piping specifications in the project paired with their material types. The Spec to Material Lookup table should match the Spec to Material Lookup — SPURT table.

Spec to Material Lookup - SPURT (Standard Piping Unit Rates Table)

Lists all the piping specifications in the project paired with their material types. The values in the Material column in the Spec to Material Lookup – SPURT table must match the values in the UR_MATERIAL column of the UnitRates table in SPURT.mdb.

Spec to Socket Weld Screw Pipe Look-up

Pairs the piping specification with the maximum nominal size of socket welded and/or threaded pipe in the specification. If this data is not available, the table can be left blank.

Pipe Bore Size Groups

Organizes nominal sizes into large bore (LB) and small bore (SB) groups. The User Defined Groups section of the Workflow creates a user defined group for each BoreSizeGroup entry in the table. The value in the BoreSizeGroup field becomes the name of the user defined group.

Pipe Wall Thickness Groups

Organizes ranges of wall thicknesses into groups.

Instrument Key Mnemonics

Identifies instruments by searching for the value in the Key field in the instrument description in the ISO.

Steel Weight Ranges

Organizes the weight of the steel into categories.

Steel Types

Organizes the type of steel into groups.